
A Brief of the Fort of Ujung Pandang

The fort was first built in 1545 during the reign of Gowa King X, Imanrigau Dg. Bonto Karaeng Lakiung entitled as Karaeng Tunipallangga. At first, the walls of the for still used clay (A Kind of Soil), later 1634 the walls were then rebuilt by using stone following the order of Gowa King XIV Imanggarani Dg. Manrabia Sultan Alauddin. After the Bungaya Treaty, November 18, 1667. The fort was handed over to the Dutch Company and renamed as “Fort Rottrdam”.

The Name
1. Benteng Ujung Pandang as it called now, because it located at an end point of a cape with so many “Pandan” trees.
2. It is also called Benteng Pannyua, following that the shape of the fort is in the form of crowling tortoise.
3. Fort Rotterdam was named given by Speelman Following the name of his birth town in Holland.
4. “Kotayya” was also heard during the Dutch occupation as it was the centre of the town administration.
At present the name of “Benteng Ujung Pandang” has been reused in order to give back historical values to this monument.

The Function
1. In the period Gowa Kingdom, the fort had been as a fortified defence area with with typical Macassarese building found inside the fort.
2. During the Dutch occupation, the fort was a fortified defence area, and as the centre of economy.
3. During the Japanese occupation, the fort was as a scientific research centre, especially for language and cultural studies.
4. During the revolution (1945-1950) the fort became a camp for those people loyal of the Dutch. In 1950 when the case of Andi Azis affairs, the fort was appointed to accommodate civil and military personnel.

In 1970 the fort was emptied and the buildings were restored and refurnished of April 27, 1977 fort was officially opened as the centre of South Sulawesi clture. A number of offices are now found inside the fort.

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