


It’s a traditional dance from Makassar ethnic. In the sphere of Gowa Kingdom. This dance is often displayed on the traditional ceremonies, specially on the wedding party, circumcision or on the occasion of welcoming exalted guest. There are some Pakarena dances that are adjusted with original area and the ceremonial forms in which they are danced.


One kind of traditional dances, that still displays on influence of Hindustan dance is “Pamasari”. It is a dance carried out by transestile who wearing glasses with women’s clothes. This dance belong to the folk dance which now nearly extinct.


It is a dance that reminds us to prophet of “Abraham” who had been burned by the unbeliever (idols worshipers). Dancers hold in their hands fire as dancing instrument by which they burn themselves with confidence to the word of God that they will not be burned (wasted).


“Tunrung Pakanjara” which is a particular thing of “Gowa” is a blend of rhythm of several classical sounds (Karawitan) such us: gendang (traditional drums), puipui, and gong. The rhythm of gendang is beaten in such a way in order to raise the sound faring up, accompanied by the blowing of “pui-pui” (peculiar flutes of Gowa) plus the sound of gomg. Those sounds unify in one rhythm what we cal it “Pakanjara”.


This is an old fashioned one-team “soccer” using a rattan woven ball. It is an danced to celebrate a public festivity a wedding or circumcision. It is danced by young men to attract the attention of young maidens attending the feast. It originated from Gowa and Takalar regions and has been enjoyed as a folk dance since the 17th century.


One kind of traditional music from Selayar area is known by the name of “Batti Batti”. That is a kind of music which uses instruments what we call “Gambus” (Arabian stringed lute). Batti-Batti is shown on the wedding party, circumcision or on the other occasion to express happiness.


“Gandrang Bulo” means a drum (gendang) which is made of bamboos with its size of 60-70 cm in length. The bamboo skin. Ganrang Bulo has the same age as Paraga. While the people dance, they sing the word taken from funny statues of Makassar (Mangkasara).
Besides long bamboos made of dancing instruments, two pieces of bamboos are used to produce sound by stamping one bamboo to the other one.


Sinrilik belongs to oral literature that still exists in the Bugis and Makassar societies. As an oral literature. Sinrilik contains of history, advice and stories of important people who life in the societies. The poetry reading usually carried out, at the same time accompanied by two string violins (Kesok-Kesok) with specific and particular melody.


This music is an unification of several instruments from Bugis-Makassar zone that sings some original Makassar so (to Riolo). Those remind us of the ancient era of South Sulawesi.


Bassing is Makassar word from Konjo dialect which means: flute. “Bassing” is the oldest music in Kajang. It is made of special bamboo; fairly long and is hand made by musician. The musicians consists of singers and flutists. They usually sit sideby side so that sound of the flute and the song merge into one compact melody. “Bassing-Mpasing Music” is considered impressive that it is used on traditional ceremonies in Kajang.
This musical instrument varies in length and is also used to accompany popular song in social activities.


“Kondo Buleng” is a folk theatre that still lives in South Sulawesi area (Makassar) in the nearly extinct condition. This folk theatre is dynamic enough, but it is not able to compete with new modern theatres for creations because supporters still hold strongly the old patterns as dialogues.


This hunting game is carried out by a lot of people which is divided into two groups. Those are the horse riders, called “Sawi”, whose duty is to hunt deer. And the other ones are called “Soso”. They are track/trail searchers whose duty is to chase/drive the prey animals out of their hiding places. “A Soso” usually uses a “Kentongan” and hunting dogs. When prey animals are seen. “Soso” move widening.


This ritual is traditionally performed once a year by the social leaders, the Moslem leaders, and the fisher men. It had been happened in Takalar region, e.q. in Cikoang village. What stands out this ritual is the assimilation of a Moslem belief and region tradition, commemorating of the Nabi Muhammad’s anniversary.
This festival shows not only the pride of living in cheerful of harmony of the local society but also the attract natives who came home to visit their family and relatives.
Beautiful decorations of perahu lepa-lepa and some delicious food in a very attractive way can also be seen during this ritual ceremony. And more attractive is a local small boats competition.
Decoration of food in a very attractive way can also be seen during the Maulud-LOmpoa ceremony in cikoang of Makassarese ethnic.

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